What is FlokiPup Inu?
Instant Rewards
For every transaction in FlokiPup Inu's network (buy or sell), 10% of the transaction is distributed to existing holders. That means you earn $FLOKIPUP just by holding it in your wallet.
Secure & Safe
FlokiPup’s liquidity tokens have been locked on unicrypt for six months and we have also renounced the ownership of the contract, meaning zero risk for investors.
How to Buy $FLOKIPUP
Follow these steps or join our Telegram group if you need help
Create a MetaMask Wallet
$FLOKIPUP token is available on the Ethereum blockchain. MetaMask is the market leader in ERC20 (Ethereum) wallets. On Google Chrome, visit metamask.io to download the extension and set up a wallet. On mobile? Get MetaMask's app for iPhone or Android.
Send $ETH to MetaMask
Buy Ethereum through MetaMask or transfer it to your MetaMask wallet address from another wallet (e.g. Coinbase or Binance).
Visit Uniswap
You can currently buy $FLOKIPUP on Uniswap
Enter the amount of $ETH you would like to swap for $FLOKIPUP. Click Connect Wallet then Swap
The FlokiPup P2E game is well underway! We are currently designing the game
layout and we are working hard with game developers to get this live ASAP!
Within the Floki Pup P2E you will have to pick your adorable little pup,
make sure he/she is well looked after, well fed, walked and washed every
‼️The better you look after your best friend the more tokens you will earn‼️
This is just the beta version, we are planning on making a much more
advanced Metaverse for FlokiPup that will include in game NFT’s. We wanted
to give you something now to show how serious we are about making FlokiPup
successful. The full FlokiPup Metaverse will take a while to develop but
rest assured it will blow your mind 🤯
Flokipup launched on the 13th of September and is quickly growing! This roadmap lays out key milestones we plan to hit to continue our rapid growth.
Phase 1 - Launch
- ✓ 1,000 Holders
- ✓ Website Launch
- ✓ CoinGecko Listing
- ✓ 2,000 Telegram Members
- • Community Marketing Fund
- • Marketing Campaign
- • CoinMarketCap Listing
- • 5,000 Holders
Phase 2 - Growth
- • 5,000 Telegram Members
- • Website Redesign
- • 10,000 Holders
- • 10,000 Telegram Members
- • 20,000 Holders
Phase 3 - Expansion
- • FlokiPup Inu Swap (Decentralize Exchange)
- • Initial CEX Listings (Hotbit, Bilaxy, CoinTiger)
- • 15,000 Telegram Members
- • 30,000 Holders